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What is 5+ A Day?

The 5+ A Day Charitable Trust was formed to clearly define our ‘Social Responsibilities’ activities. The objective is to encourage all Kiwis to eat and enjoy five or more servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day for better health, taste and variety. The beneficiaries of the Trust are the children of New Zealand.
The 5+ A Day programme has become well respected since launching in 1994 and is one of the most recognized food/health brands in New Zealand today. Awareness of 5+ A Day is high amongst our target audiences of household shoppers at 90% and 93% for children*.
The core activity of the 5+ A Day programme is developing educational resources for educators in early childhood centres, primary and intermediate schools. The resources are curriculum linked for ease of use to promote healthy eating and fruit and vegetables.

Rassegna stampa
Etruria Royal Fruit segue la linea dei “5 Colori del Benessere”: nei punti vendita della COOP in Toscana frutta e verdura del territorio per stare bene
Per due settimane (dall’11 al 24 luglio) i “5 Colori del Benessere” di frutta e verdura accompagneranno l’iniziativa promossa da ETRURIA Royal Fruit nei punti vendita della UniCoop Tirreno consultabili sul sito www.etruriaroyalfruit.it. Nei punti vendita prescelti sarà possibile scoprire i colori del benessere e i loro caratteristici prodotti: rosso, verde, bianco, giallo-arancio e blu-viola. Continua

5 colori nel mondo
En fait, il s’agit de 5 portions de fruits et/ou de légumes : par exemple 3 portions de fruits et 2 de légumes, 4 de légumes et une de fruit… et si vous pouvez en manger plus, c’est encore mieux !

CIBUS - Parma 2012