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Fruits and Veggies - Mix It Up!™ Campaign

The Fruits and Veggies - Mix it up!™ campaign is a social marketing initiative aimed at helping Canadians of all ages eat more fruits and veggies to better their health. The campaign focuses on simple and practical ways to add a variety of fruits and veggies to every meal and snack.
The Fruits and Veggies - Mix it up!™ campaign is meant to be fun, practical and informative and to provide tips on how to prepare fruits and veggies using different colours, flavours and textures for meals and snacks at home, at school, at work, eating out or on the go.
Who's involved in Fruits and Veggies - Mix It Up!™
The Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA), the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Health Check™ Program and the Canadian Cancer Society are proud to continue a long-standing partnership. These organizations, widely respected for their role in health promotion and disease prevention through healthy eating education support the Mix it up! campaign.
For more information on healthy eating and healthy recipes visit www.healthcheck.org.
The success of Fruits and Veggies - Mix it up!™ is a team-effort including a network of Public Health practitioners and all sectors of the produce industry- including media and more – to spread the word to all Canadians about the role of fruits and veggies as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Rassegna stampa
Etruria Royal Fruit segue la linea dei “5 Colori del Benessere”: nei punti vendita della COOP in Toscana frutta e verdura del territorio per stare bene
Per due settimane (dall’11 al 24 luglio) i “5 Colori del Benessere” di frutta e verdura accompagneranno l’iniziativa promossa da ETRURIA Royal Fruit nei punti vendita della UniCoop Tirreno consultabili sul sito www.etruriaroyalfruit.it. Nei punti vendita prescelti sarà possibile scoprire i colori del benessere e i loro caratteristici prodotti: rosso, verde, bianco, giallo-arancio e blu-viola. Continua

5 colori nel mondo
En fait, il s’agit de 5 portions de fruits et/ou de légumes : par exemple 3 portions de fruits et 2 de légumes, 4 de légumes et une de fruit… et si vous pouvez en manger plus, c’est encore mieux !

CIBUS - Parma 2012