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immagine_editorDepartment of Health and Ageing Campaign Information
Fruit and vegetable promotion is an Australian health priority due to:

inadequate consumption levels
evidence of considerable health benefits and related health system savings
consumer amenability towards fruit and vegetables
limited expenditure on fruit and vegetable advertising and promotion compared to less nutritious competing foods
identified misconceptions and barriers
The 2005 national Go for 2&5 campaign was an Australian Government, State and Territory health initiative. The campaign was supported by industry and other organisations with an interest in promoting good health. States and Territories supported the campaign through the placement of advertising, public relations activities and dissemination of information resources.

An evaluation report of the national campaign was released in 2007. The report is available from the Healthy Active website.

The Australian Government continues to promote Go for 2&5 through Swap It Don't Stop It! and Measure Up campaign activities.

Australian Government
The Australian Government launched a $4.76 million Go for 2&5 campaign on 28 April 2005 as part of the Building a Healthy, Active Australia initiative to address over weight and obesity.

The multi-strategy campaign included:

TV - three 30 second ads ran for 10 weeks on channels Seven, Nine, Ten, SBS, ABC and Pay TV from April to July 2005
Magazines - full colour ads targeting grocery buyers with children ran from May to September 2005
Radio - ads were broadcast in 10 languages, Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian (Bahasa), Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Farsi, Arabic, Russian, Turkish and Khmer
Point-of-sale promotions in shopping centres (shop panels and shopping trolleys)
Online advertising
Publications - consumer booklet, poster and recipe cards

Rassegna stampa
Etruria Royal Fruit segue la linea dei “5 Colori del Benessere”: nei punti vendita della COOP in Toscana frutta e verdura del territorio per stare bene
Per due settimane (dall’11 al 24 luglio) i “5 Colori del Benessere” di frutta e verdura accompagneranno l’iniziativa promossa da ETRURIA Royal Fruit nei punti vendita della UniCoop Tirreno consultabili sul sito www.etruriaroyalfruit.it. Nei punti vendita prescelti sarà possibile scoprire i colori del benessere e i loro caratteristici prodotti: rosso, verde, bianco, giallo-arancio e blu-viola. Continua

5 colori nel mondo
En fait, il s’agit de 5 portions de fruits et/ou de légumes : par exemple 3 portions de fruits et 2 de légumes, 4 de légumes et une de fruit… et si vous pouvez en manger plus, c’est encore mieux !

CIBUS - Parma 2012